Friday, November 26, 2010


A few recent photos of what I see around me, and a feeble attempt at capturing the spectacular full moon. Need zoom lens & a tripod I think. The first snow last Saturday was tranquil very exciting for the kids. "Is it Christmas yet? "

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

my art

Some are old, but I still like 'em. They surprise me & inspire me to find some time to sit down and get to it. Not enough hours in a day...

Friday, October 15, 2010

the petitcodiac

Enjoyed an afternoon along its muddy banks down river this past weekend. Hot sun, cold wind, a log in the old wood stove, fresh apples & beautiful fall colors. Rejuvenating.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I love old buildings. Worn buildings. Well proportioned buildings. It's rare to see an esthetically pleasing new structure these days, especially in Moncton. It looks like the dominant theme of this post has become CEDAR SHINGLES!!! Soooo beautiful.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

at the water's edge

Here are a variety of photos taken near water over the last couple of summers. It might be a little weird, but when I'm out looking for things to photograph, I often think about whether the subject would make a good screen saver. Anyhoo, that's one way my crazy little brain works.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

the beaver gets around

Happy Beaver was designed by Pixar animator Jeff Pidgeon. My workmates & I adore him and admire his relentless enthusiasm. He travels well, so some of us brought him on vacation this summer. Here's where he visited with my family.

Monday, September 27, 2010

changing leaves, delicious air

I've been busy observing & enjoying the change of seasons. The full moon last week was spectacular & the Cortlands are ready. Started walking to work again a few weeks ago, and that always helps start my day with a clear head and a swiftly beating heart.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

a beautiful summer

To say summer weather in Atlantic Canada is unpredictable is a serious understatement. THIS SUMMER, however, was divine. Most of my free time was spent on the bay of Fundy, which is probably not coincidental. I love this powerful body of water, and can't imagine living away from it. These photos are my attempt at capturing some of its expansive beauty...